Thursday, April 26, 2007

Its so clear now that you are all that I have

Tonight marks the completion of my last college engineering homework assignment. Its a strange sensation to know that in a couple of weeks, I won't have any more homework. Ever. Never. Ever. Not for a grade anyway. I will be done with school. I am not totally sure I want to be done with school. I feel like I am smack dab in the middle of some scifi movie where people have been conditioned to do some zany and unnecessary thing for their entire lives and then are told they don't have to do it. I am a little scared and a little bit excited. I feel like I am looking at life in a whole new light. There are so many possibilities open to me, but honestly I am having a bit of trouble seeing all of it at once. I can not fully understand possible life alternative after college, how could I understand God. Umm thank you Donald Miller for cooking pancakes.

Monday, April 02, 2007


Last night at church we talked about doritos. This is what I learned. Christ said he was the bread of life. The nurishment of the soul. ::Aside:: I feel completly liberated to write sentence fragements since reading Hemmingway. Thanks Ernest ::End Aside:: Things like comfort, leisure, kissing your smokin hot lady etc. are great things. They taste great, but they provide little to no nurishment for the soul compared to the vitamin rich bread of life. Too often I get my doritos and bread mixed up and try to satisfy my soul with doritos. This does not work and actually makes me sick. Doritos are great in their place. A flavoring, a small snack, but not a meal replacement.

Ponca to Gilbert

I let go of the amenities of the modern world very quickly when on the river. I got used to free squatting poops, sleeping on the ground, licking out my bowl after dinner, and having very limited control over my situation.
In town, you have so much control. If it is raining outside, you can stay inside, or if you do get wet going from your car to the house, you can change clothes, wash clothes dry clothes. Inside, you can regulate the temperature. You can make it light or dark. We have tons of options.
On the river, those options don’t exist. In fact, you can’t change anything but yourself. It is much easier to be ok with being wet than to stop the sky from raining. With all the gadgetry at my disposal, I regret to see the beauty of life that exists in my lack of control. I wonder how much of life I miss being so comfortable.